05 April 2011

Survey about Internet and Libraries, Repositories

Today I took a survey being conducted over the mail list of the Association of Professional Genealogists.

The purpose of the survey was to learn how Internet access impacts the way genealogists conduct family history research. The survey was created by Jennifer Land, a PhD candidate and a genealogist.

Jennifer will use the survey as the basis of a dissertation: "From Gravestones to Google: Information-Seeking Behaviour and Satisfaction in the Evolving Field of Family History Research."

Her aim: To find out how access to resources on the Internet impacts the way genealogists conduct family history research.

In her cover letter she explains, "I've created a web survey that will take about 10-15 minutes. This survey contains questions about your experience conducting genealogical research, the types of research tools you use, and your experience working with other genealogists." She directed me and other APG members to a survey being conducted by www.surveymonkey.com.

She promises to share the results of the survey, which compares research on the Internet with the more traditional research in libraries and repositories.

I was amazed at how my answers leaned heavily in the direction of Internet-based research recently. The results of the survey should be very informative--and put some numbers on whatever trend there might be toward Internet-based research.

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