02 February 2012

More Czech and Slovak Research Guidance

Yesterday, I posted information about the Czech/Slovak Research seminar being presented by John Sabol at Western Reserve Historical Society on March 31. Complete details are available at www.wrhs.org or click here.

Today, I was reminded that the Cuyahoga Valley Genealogical Society is going to have a presentation by Cynthia Smith entitled "Prague to Cleveland." In this presentation, Ms. Smith focuses on the Czech people who settled in the Cleveland area during the late 19thand early 20th centuries. She explores the areas they settled in and their faith communities. This event is on Mar 5, 2012 - 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM in the  Willow Room at the Independence Civic Center, Independence, Ohio 44131. Click here for info.

Also, the Ohio Genealogical Society 2012 Conference in Cleveland will feature "Demystifying Eastern European Research," by noted lecturer and author, Lisa A. Alzo. She will address the the special challenges and frustrations involved in tracing their ancestors back to Eastern Europe. She will talk about the most common myths and misconceptions and how to work around them. Lisa is the author of "Three Slovak Women." The OGS Conference will be held Apr. 12-14 at the Hotel Intercontinental on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic, with Lisa's presentation on Friday, Apr. 13. Lisa has a website at http://www.lisaalzo.com/. For complete details on the OGS conference, go to www.ogs.org and click on The Registration Brochure. Or click here.

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